
14 Juni 2011

See Another Side

"Hi, I'm Adam. Holly's friend. Is she home?"
"No, she's out getting packing boxes."
"We're moving. Arizona. Red Rocks. You want her to call?"
"No. Thank you. Could you give this to her?"
"And tell her she only saw one side of the drawing."

"What are you doing?"
"Yeah, but why? I thought that we all agreed that it was time for a new adventure."
"This is our new adventure. Staying is our new adventure."
"What? Why can't you ever do anything that I want? I want to be alone."
"Nobody wants to be alone."
"I do. Okay, I'm through with these people and I want new ones."
"Unfortunately, honey pie, new people are only new for a day. After that, they're just people. Who will excite you, disappoint you...scare you a little bit. And, boy, I know how tempting it is to run away when that happens. It's good for avoiding things. But the problem is you end up...avoiding yourself. Avoiding people you love. You end up avoiding life."

(The Perfect Man)